
A Few Amusing Stories

1. Yesterday, I went to market with a couple Korean friends. As we were walking through, an older man said, "Hello! Ok!" Now, this is not unusual. Everywhere I go people will yell greetings and other things in English to me. They get such a kick out of using their English and hearing me respond. Anyway, this guy didn't just want to say "hello," he wanted to stop me and talk to me. He kept saying "Hello!" and "Ok!" and then babbling on in Korean. He grabbed my hand and then hugged me and told Sang Mi to tell me what he was saying. I guess he used to be a captain or something in the military, and must like Americans :). It was cute. 2. When I was talking to the high school students yesterday, they were commenting on Benjamin's hair. He went back to Kenya a couple weeks ago, and when he returned, he had shaved off all his hair. This was very shocking to the Koreans--they can't get over how "strange" he looks. Of course, this is totally normal for Africans. Well, when the students were trying to describe it to me, they said something like, "Benjamin-- hair -- deleted." That really cracked me up to hear it described like that--hee hee! 3. Today I was chatting with some of the young adults I had met at church last night. One of the guys was being referred to as "Water Hippo" or "Cow." He told me that he didn't want to be called that. So, I asked him what his English name was. He thought for awhile, then said, "My name is 'come'--- 'Beh-come' (Beckham)." Clever. And, I've finally added pictures to my photo album! Click here.


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