
Little kids really make teaching worthwhile First, as I was doing my lesson plans for the day, on Tuesday, a whole group of little 7-8 year old girls from my new class surrounded my desk. These girls know VERY LITTLE English. They don't even call me "Teacher," they call me "Sansangnim" (the Korean word for teacher). They were looking at all the stuff on my desk and asking me all kinds of questions in Korean, a few of which I understood, but most of which I didn't. One girl, "Betty," was being especially talkative. She liked to imitate what I was saying. Sometimes she'd repeat something I said, and other times when it was a long sentence she'd just make noises- "blablehblahbleh..". It was super cute. Then, I taught my more advanced 2nd graders. We played a new game that had the potential of getting mean and really competitive, but they all behaved themselves perfectly! And when I told them it was time to make a line, at least half the class helped me clean up (pick up cards, push in chairs, erase the board) without me even asking! I love those kids!!! And in other exciting news, my laptop is online!!!! :) :)

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