
White Day

(two posts at once, what's up with that? :) ) Today is another rather silly holiday in Korea. It's "White Day" (literally in Korean it's "whi-tuh da-EE"). As you may recall, Valentine's Day in Korea is supposedly when girls are supposed to give boys chocolate. Well, on White Day, boys are supposed to give girls candy. This seems to be mostly in the form of suckers or other hard candies in very shiny wrappers. I got lots o' sugar today from my students and a Korean friend of ours (Sam) who works at a different hagwon. Then, all three of us foreign teachers got a BIG jar of fruity candy AND another package of hard candies AND a fancy package of jelly candies AND a whole cake from one of our single adult students! He and another student had given us a hard time around Valentine's Day, asking that we bring them chocolate, and we did. However, it was very, very small in comparison to all of this! Oh yes, and all the kids were asking me if Jason sent me candy for White Day, and they were confused when I told them that we don't have "White Day" in the U.S. After all, "White Day" is English! It would make sense for it to come from an English speaking country! They weren't convinced that it was only a Korean holiday... :)


At 12:37 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

And a Japanese holiday.

It's obligation chocolate YAY!!



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