"Sad movies make me cry"
(That's one of the songs Rainy always does at norebang) I'm still teaching (imagine that). There have been a variety of schedules going on. I don't think I've had the same schedule for 2 weeks in a row since early September. Teachers have been coming and going and others taking vacations. Now it looks like we're in another change for next week. A new teacher quit after her first week. So, we'll probably all be back up to 30 hours again and Mrs. Baek has to change the schedule yet again. She's done it so many times and it always gives her a lot of stress. I feel so bad for her! Prayer for Mirae's teacher situation would be great. Both for a Korean teacher to stick around and for God's hand in choosing a foreign teacher to replace Cori in December. Discipline with the kids continues to be a challenge. Some of my formerly good classes now seem quite monstrous sometimes. Maybe the kids are just too used to me now. I'm sure I'm getting good lessons through this, but I still wish I could speak Korean!! The weather here is getting colder. But we've had beautiful blue skies the past week. Today was rainy and I guess it's supposed to be much colder tomorrow. Time to pull out the sweaters! We were surprised yesterday to come home from shopping in the market to find a table and 4 chairs in our kitchen! Now we're really living like westerners! Mind you, the colors are quite 80's-ish, but it's still cool. :) Oh, we also got a couple of rugs. I was going to look for one for my room, but now I don't have to. Last evening I hung out with a new Korean friend from my church. After showing her some pictures, she really wanted to go see a movie at the theater. Unfortunately there were no English movies showing, so we went to a Korean Movie called
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