
I'm not dead

Just so you know, I haven't dropped off the face of the world. If you want to hear what I'm up to, I'm more likely to be updating my Xanga site these days. You can see it at http://www.xanga.com/aprildawn225 The short summary is: I've been in Merrill for a week, and now I'm going back to Fort Wayne. :)


Independence Day

Here I am at home, finishing up my last few days at my parents' house. I love sitting out on the deck enjoying the sunshine every morning. Over the weekend we went to an outdoor concert. During high school that was always a big part of my summer, but I haven't done it in awhile. It was fun. Tuesday, of course, was the 4th of July. Most of the day I spent going through boxes and packing up stuff to take to Fort Wayne. That evening we went out to see fireworks at a nearby town. Once that was over, Tim, Joy and I lit sparklers in the back yard. We enjoyed playing with the long-time exposure on my camera and trying to write words and stuff with the sparklers. Tomorrow I head to Fort Wayne! Time to take care of myself like a "real adult" again :) Posted by Picasa