

I had plans this morning of getting up early enough to explore town and choose a church to attend today. But I got up a little late. So, at about 11:00 I headed toward two large churches that I knew started at 11. I saw a bunch of people with Bibles walking, so I followed them. I ended up at the Methodist church in town. It turns out that it is the largest church in Dangjin. So, the service was quite full, and I was escorted to guest reception afterwards. It turns out that they've just started an English speaking ministry!! So, I met people involved with that who took me to the church cafeteria for lunch, and then to the English service at 1:00. That service is quite small, but totally better than nothing! The man who preaches is a Kenyan who is just in town on the weekends. The only other foreigners are a Chinese couple. The rest are Koreans just practicing English. So, I made some new friends!! They were very excited to have me. One girl in particular I will probably be in contact with. She is a tutor and is willing to help me with Korean. In fact, they were all very willing to help me. I hung out with them for a while after church, just talking and stuff. It was soooo nice :) I've also offered to bring some more English songs for the service. They currently have a very limited number :) They're excited about learning new songs, too. Fabulous!


At 4:21 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi - so glad you found the Methodist church!
It is the fastest growing Methodist church in the world, so I have heard! Congratulations. I'm sure you will be a great asset to them and them to you! Happy learning Korean!
Love, Aunt Kitty


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