
Phrasebook Fun

Have you ever picked up a phrasebook of another language and started reading off strange phrases just for kicks? Phrasebooks always seem to have a collection of amusing phrases in addition to the useful ones. Well, imagine being on the other end of it. Imagine being a speaker of the foreign language listening to the weirdos with the strange phrases. One of my 6th grade hooligans had an English phrasebook in class on Friday. Most of the kids were just trying to learn the profanities in the book. But, he had fun finding strange things and asking me about my job, etc. My favorite quotes of the class were... "You look stunning in it!" "I'm disgusted with this way of life" "I'm tickled pink!" My middle schoolers have also become quite imaginative. One boy always asks me if he's handsome, and asserts that he's very smart and rich and such. Then, when a new boy joined the class, they both started saying how rich they are (one of them owns Jupiter and lives there!). So, I proceded to ask them for money, and they told me they'd bring me a huge diamond on Friday. When I asked for it on Friday, one boy went to his bag like it was there, and then acted horrified because it had supposedly been stolen! And who stole it? Another boy in the class who wasn't there on Friday. The same boy they had tricked me about the day before. They told me he was in a bad car accident and had broken his leg and spine and stuff, and then they said it was funny. After I was all concerned they told me it was a joke. Anyway, now the story became that he stole the diamond and when he was driving quickly away he got into a car accident. What crazy kids!


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