

Random Korea observation: There is no glue to lick on Korean envelopes. I didn't know if it was just the envelopes I had or what, but then I had some American stationary for one of my classes and they were disgusted by the idea of licking the envelopes! They were like, "Teacher, what does it taste like?" and were horrified that it just tasted like glue! Anyway, it's just amusing what little things can be so different. In other news, there's not much going on this week. Just teaching. Yesterday (Wednesday) Tracy and I went to the market and I got to practice my Korean numbers. We bought some produce and I got a really good deal on a cute skirt. Today we made french toast. It was deliciously non-Korean. Korean food really isn't bad, it's just the absence of some other foods that is sad. We were watching a movie last night and the actress was eating some chicken sandwich from a fast food joint or something. Normally that wouldn't look appealing, but my roommate and I both mentioned that it looked good :)


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